


ZooKeepr is a web app that will add and show animals and zookeepers data from json file. This project is a part of coding bootcamp course at University of Toronto. Used Node.js web server using Express.js and handled GET and POST requests using parameters and deployed it on Heroku and also used TDD with Jest. […]

portfolio-generator node


Usage of the command line to capture user input and place it in a JavaScript function that provides the finished HTML page as output. GitHub Repo Link

Node Js

README Generator

readme-generator image

This is a command-line application that accepts user input. WHEN user is prompted for information about application repository THEN a high-quality, professional README.md is generated with the title of project and sections entitled Description, Table of Contents, Installation, Usage, License, Contributing, Tests, and Questions. GitHub Repo Link

node js

Git It Done


Git it done is a web app that will search GitHub for open source projects with open issues and pull requests. This project is a part of coding bootcamp course at UofT. Necessary JavaScript logic was developed to display GitHub repositories and their open issue counts based on a user’s search. GitHub Repo Link

javascript and api integration

Simple Weather app


This is a simple weather app for front-end course of bootcamp at University of Toronto. A traveler can see the weather outlook for multiple cities to plan a trip accordingly Form inputs establised to search cities WHEN city is searched then we are presented with current and future conditions for that city and that city […]

javascript, api integration, twitter bootstap,



This is a part of a group project for coding bootcamp at University of Toronto. My main  responsibilities were to save and retrieve data of watchlist and favorites to localstorage with javascript. I was also responsible to get data from multiple apis (tvmaze and omdbapi). GitHub Repo Link

localstorage, javascript, foundation, api integration

Taskmaster Pro


This is a project of my front-end bootcamp course in the University of Toronto. GitHub Repo Link

Jquery, momentjs, twitter-bootstrap, localstorage



Tripstigator is a movement and community of gifted global citizens that find unique experiences in uncommon places and aid the disconnected locals by plugging them into these trusted sites. Travelers can also easily find and purchase our networks locally-sourced experiences and expertise off our curated search engine. This Site is developed by Drupal 7. I […]

Drupal 7, mpdf, commerce tickets

Aga Khan Museum

Aga Khan Museum

The aim of the Aga Khan Museum will be to offer unique insights and new perspectives into Islamic civilizations and the cultural threads that weave through history binding people all together. This project is developed with Drupal 7. I was given a contract to fix a bug in calendar.

Drupal 7

Lets Play Concertos

Let s Play Concertos

Lets Play Centos is a place to find the easy student concertos. The site is developd with Drupal 7. I was a team member of zitemedia who was in charge of this project. My job scope included drupal commerce, licence and much more. Unfortunately the business closed, but here is the link to my contractor […]

Drupal 7, twitter-bootstrap, Drupal commerce
See Other Portfolio Items